
TVD 4x02 "The Memorial" Elena's Black Lacy Dress

Alright, second post of the marathon!
Are you guys ready?

 I'm loving, loving,loving this season.
(My first favorite used to be season 2,if you were wondering. But I guess the 4th stole a major place in my Delena heart!)

  Which reminds me.. What team do you guys ship?
Let me know, my curious self wants to snoop around a bit!

Remember "The Memorial"?
If not-so-much , here are some pictures to freshen your memory and show you better the dress Elena wore during the ceremony. (which, as almost the whole time, happens to be a funeral, but...you know. It's Mystic Falls, nothing bad happens here.. )

  Her dress is simple,yet so elegant and classy.
The lace has a big role in this whole matter, and the fabric that circles her waist enhances Nina's wonderful hourglass shape.

 Be sure to pair it ( like 'Lena does) with creamy white heels, not to make the look appear too solid and plane.
 If you're feeling bold, and want to add a personal  touch, red varnished shoes would look great!

Here are the links to my dress choices :
#1 Van Mildert
#2 Swan Lacy Dress
#3 Cluster Black Dress
#4 Milly Dress


1 comment:

  1. I'm loving this season too! I used to ship Stefan and Elena, but now that she's a vampire I think Damon is a better match for her, he understands her better than Stefan now, I don't know if he will get used to the "new Elena". I'm loving Jeremy's storyline too!

    Back to the outfit topic, the black dress was simple and elegant, a LBD is a key piece that every girl should have in their closet, as you can change the accessories and renew your look as it's a timeless dress
    And of course it looks amazing on Nina, she's so gorgeous!


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