
Daddy Issues' Hair Tutorial

 It’s quite a simple hairdo, because it’s not much more than an extremely high ponytail.
We're gonna start off parting your hair almost on the middle.
The easiest way to achieve this is to bend forward and brush your hair. Grab an elastic and tie it around your it. The high ponytail can be quite messy. As you can see on the picture, the hair on Nina’s scalp is quite bumpy, so you don’t have to brush it that smoothly. Also, it’s ok if some hair falls out, making this hairdo a little less ‘strict’. The only thing you will need for this look is an elastic, and some bobby pins if you  have layers in your hair that keep falling out.
Remeber that you'll get the look just with slightly wavy or straigh hair.

Daddy Issues Tutorial Acconciatura

E' un'acconciatura abbastanza semplice, poichè non si tratta di una semplice coda alta.
Inizieremo con il dividere i capelli in una riga quasi al centro ( come quella di Nina nella foto ) . Successivamente abbassate la testa e spazzolate i capelli o apriteli con le mani. Prendete un elastico e legateli. La coda può essere anche abbastanza disordinata. Come potrete notare nell'immagine i capelli tendono ad essere un po gonfi, quindi fate attenzione a non schiacciarli sulla testa. Anche se cadono dei ciuffi ai lati, il tutto renderà la pettinatura meno comune e "severa". L'unica cosa di cui avrete bisogno per questo look sono degli elastici e dei ferretti se avete un taglio scalato.
I capelli dovrebbero essere completamente o quasi completamente stirati.


  1. I've pretty much have the same textured hair as Nina Dobrev so I've been doing her hair styles for years now. Including the pony. All Elena hair styles are pretty basic so they take no real effort. And actually to achieve her pony correctly it would be best to not part it in the middle but more off to the side...it gives your hair a little boost if you have thinner hair. Nina's is course and thick. To apply bobby pins, stick them into the ponytail and elastic by putting them forward from the front to back. It flattens any higher bumps without taking away from the casual pony.

  2. can you plss make a tutorial of this hairstyle


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