
Elena Gilbert's Daily Make up

Today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to recreate the exact make up look Elena wears in her everyday life.
 It's a based on three basic browns: a lighter one, a medium , and then a dark brown. Two simple rules to follow: Choose warm colors , and avoid shiny eye shadows.

 To check the Daddy Issues' Make up look, come here . It's a really close version, just that we won't be using pink shades on this one. 

 The best way to achieve the exact look is having dark brown eyes and eyebrows, so if you're not in that category, choosing a daily pair of contacts would be nice, too.

 First off you're gonna apply some concelear on your eye lides, then apply the primer. I suggest putting some under the eyes, to cover eye bags: Elena's not ( still, I think ) a vampire! So you'll want to look more simple and natural as possible.

Second step is to apply the lightest brown/wedge color you have. 
 Only on your leds,not going past the crease.

 Aroud  your mobile led, apply the second shade of your brown. It will be contouring the first shade of brown.
 Blend it slightly toward the outside with a blending brush.

 Now's finally time for our darkest shade of brown. Apply it about one quarter out your mobile led. On the outer part, to make the look deeper.

 Remember to blend untill it will look more natural as possible!

This is something that can be skipped, if you want to stick with the natural look.
 Elena wears a slight line of eye liner around the eyes.           
I'm gonna make a tutorial on Katherine's look, this step will be a must and the line's gonna be way thicker!

Last and final step: your favourite mascara. I would suggest to curly your lashes, and apply fake ones if you're able to. Elena's got thick, long black lashes. Don't forget to let the mascare dry, and apply it a second time!
 And... You're done! This can be a great back to school look/work!

 MAKE UP TUTORIAL - Look giornaliero di Elena Gilbert

Oggi vi mostrerò come ricreare il look esatto giornaliero di Elena .
 E' basato su tre colori fondamentali, che variano in tre tonalità del marrone, scalando da un chiaro ad uno sempre più scuro.  Due semplici regoli da seguire: scegliete colori caldi, ed evitate ombretti con pallette.
 Date un'occhiata al make up look in ' Daddy Issues' , cliccando qui. Sarà un look molto simile  a quello che andremo a ricreare oggi, ma non useremo le tonalità sul rosa e lavanda.
 Il look sembrerà più simile all'originale se avete occhi scuri, e sopracciglia scure. Se non rientrate in quella categoria, potrete (se volete l'esatto look ) indossare un paio di lenti a contatto giornaliere marroni.
 Contate che più i vostri occhi sono chiari, meno intenso sarà il marrone che otterrete.


 Per prima cosa andrete ad applicare del correttore sulle palpebre e del primer. Questa costituirà la base sulla quale lavoreremo. Applicare del correttore anche sulla zona delle borse: Elena non è (ancora, per come la pensi io ) un vampiro! Quindi dovrete sembrare quanto più semplici e naturali possibile.

Il secondo passo è quello di applicare il più chiaro dei tre marroni che avrete scelto. Solo sulla palpebra mobile.

Al di sopra della palpebra mobile,sul contorno dell'osso dell'occhio, applicate la seconda tonalità di marrone scelta ( quella media). Farà da contorno al primo colore steso.
 Assicuratevi di unificare il colore con un pennello da smokey eyes.

Addesso è finalmente ora di applicare il terzo marrone, il più scuro. Assicuratevi di applicarlo solo per un quarto  dell'occhio, sulla parte esterna, disegnano una specie di angolo con la punta all'insù.

Dopo di che sfumate bene fino ad ottenere un effetto più naturale possibile!

Questo passo può essere saltato. Di solito, Elena indossa sempre una sottilissima linea di eyeliner intorno alla base superiore dell'occhio, alla base delle ciglia, per avere uno sguardo più intenso.
 Non esagerate però, o rischierete di avvicinarvi troppo al look di Katherine ( sul quale farò un tutorial presto).

Ultima cosa: applicate il vostro mascara preferito. Suggerirei di arricciare le ciglia con un piegaciglia. Meglio se applicate delle ciglia finte, visto quelle di Elena sono folte, scure e lunghe. Fate asciugare, e date un'ultima passata di mascara sulle punte.
 E.. avete finito! Questo può essere un make up usato anche per il ritorno a scuola/lavoro!


  1. what eyeshadows are you using?
    love the look(:

    1. Hey! I actually have this big make up set and it's from Maybelline New York, if I'm not mistaking.
      But you simply need those three basic colors. If fact, whenever I go at my friend's or somewhere I can't take the whole thing with me, I simply use three different shades of brown, they'll work greatly.
      Try to see!

  2. thank you(: I´ll see if i find them
    love your blog!!

  3. well to be fair I don't really like the concept of your blog, I think it's not healthy trying to be someone else and in my opinion you should not encourage girls to try and ''be elena gilbert''... just change the name maybe look like elena gilbert is better ? or rock the elena gilbert look and keep being yourself haha ? anyway your makeup look is wonderfully executed and the pictures are perfectly shot so it is indeed the perfect tutorial to steal elena's makeup look ! thanks added you in my favs'

    1. Thank you! You know, I'm perfectly aware the title is not that appropriate, but in between tons of tutorials and blog dedicated to Elena Gilbert, this one had to catch the eye, and make it crystal clear on how dedicated it is on recreating her look! I guess once you go around it, and read some post, one can realize it's not about being her double, but it's basically adding some touches of her look to one's own . :)
      Plus, I have to thank you so much, it means a lot to me getting this kind of critics ! :D

  4. Looks great! What about blush and lip color?

    1. I'm going to do a tutorial soon, when school will be over. So just a couple of weeks!
      But anyway, for the lips you should keep the shades of a fair plum color, darkening it on special occasions! Just a little bit of plum/brown lip liner (it should be well blended, and always one shade darker than the lipstick).
      For the blush, she doesn't apply much, and it's on the shades of peach (it should even depend on your skin tone!), with golden under tones. So, don't use cold colors that would never fit the eye shadows you used(golden and browns!)
      It's all about being able to mix the tones together!

  5. What about the color of the eye liner? :p

    1. Black! After you did the process, apply a coat of normal eye pencil on it in order to remove the shiny effect (which is not what we wanna achieve for the look!)
      Either way, (The best, in my opinion. ) just grab an angled brush and tap it first into some water (be careful here,just a tiny bit!), then really lightly pass the tip of it in some dark black eye shadow .

      To get more of a natural look, tap the wet brush into some dark brown eye shadow.

      I use the black one for the night, which gives it some Katherine touch to the whole thing, and the brown one for school, or simply in the morning, when the light is obviously the brightest!

  6. this turtorial is really amazing!! and your eyes look alot luke elenas!! i was just wonddring of two things:
    1. can you take a picture of yourself in full size?:))
    2. i am gurl with blue eyes and dar, dark blond hair. How can i make a similiar look like this? necause my skin is not really pale, and not that olive... so what blush.and eyeshadow will make me look more like elena??<3 because i dont really want to wear contacts everyday

    1. Hey! Thank you so much, it's such a great compliment to get,and I guess you already know that for fact ! :)

      1.Sure thing, I can take a picture of myself in full size! I promise you I will, I just need to find one outfit and a bunch of time to get it done! I'm glad you asked!
      Actually, in the pictures I was sick, and had had a cold. They kinda look smaller and less doe-like than they are in "real life" and I was disappointed 'cause the tutorial would have come out completely differently if it hadn't been for that matter! >.<

      2. Well, let me tell you. It's not about the colors! You may even have the olive complexion, dark brown hair and dark eyes and still not resemble her at all!
      So, that's why you shouldn't worry about your colors. I'm going to make a detailed tutorial for this request in a post that I'm going to upload today!
      Hope I'll be helpful!

      Talk to you soon!!

  7. Omg!! Thank you SO much for your answer!! <3 I love that you answer questions! You'r so nice!

    So you think that the look will look good on blue eyes too? <3

    1. You're so cute! Of course I do reply!
      Yeah, browns and brozes make the fair eyes pop out incredibly! I'm going to make a tutorial really soon, I promise!


  8. È stupendo! Non vedo l'ora di replicarlo ��

  9. I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email: Vampirelord7878@gmail.com


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