
BEG is Back!

My biggest apoligizes. I haven't been able to post anything since forever.
 But I'm back.
School's been taking me a lot of time, and not seeing any feedback from you guys, actually disappointed me a bit.

( except people who request me stuff from the email service! I love you! )
 But I know there's still a bunch of people following me, so I won't give it up.

 I'm back, and been busy writing this brand new Fanfiction.
It's something that continues from the 3x09, since I'm not able to wait untill January... My mind started to wonder!
 So here it is what I came out with!
Click The Vampire Diaries Season 3

See ya soon, with next Elena Gilbert's fashion posts.


BEG è tornato!

 Le mie più grandi scuse. Non sono stata in grado di postare nulla da troppo tempo.
 Ma sono tornata.
 La scuola mi ha preso parecchio, e non vedere alcuna risposta o commenti da voi, mi ha un po deluso.
 (A parte la gente che mi fa richieste tramite la mail! Vi adoro. )
  So che c'è ancora qualcuno che mi segue, perciò per rispetto nei loro confronti continuerò a prendermi cura del sito.

 Sono tornata, e son stata occupata anche con una nuova Fanfiction.
E' una cosa che continua dalla puntata 3x09, in caso non lo sappiate, non sono in grado di aspettare fino Gennaio, e la mia mente ha iniziato a girovagare tra le alternative... uscendosene con una continuazione tutta sua!
 Quindi qui è quello che mi è uscito!
Cliccate The Vampire Diaries Season 3

PS: La storia è in inglese, ma se alcuni tra di voi vogliano leggerla in italiano, mandatemi una mail a kristieagain@yahoo.com, e provvederò a tradurre il mio lavoro per voi!

A presto con i prossimi post sullo stile di Elena Gilbert,



  1. do you think you could possibly get katherine/elena's purple dress from know thy enemy on the blog! PLEAASE :D

  2. SURE ! I'm gonna search it out now! Come tomorrow night!

  3. I watched the whole episode, but she wears no purple dress. ò.ò Have you got a picture?

  4. Oh, and Thank you Anonymous #2! :3

  5. Love your website!

  6. I was also wondering if you could do a post of Elena's outfit where she's wearing a grayish lace top and brown boots. Super cute for winter!

  7. Im tryin so hard to find some free time! If you knew the episode, that would completly help me out! Promise you I'm gonna post the thing you asked! :3

  8. It is Season 3 episode 10 "The New Deal" here is the link to the top: [IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/731pog.jpg[/IMG] :)

  9. oops! Try this! http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=731pog&s=5

  10. OH YEAAH I GOT IT!Im gonna do it now!

  11. Hey Kristie! I LOVE YOUR POSTS! I think what you do is amazing because i'm a serious TVD fan...so I was just wondering If I could request something? You know the leather jackets Elena often wears (1x1, etc.)...where could I find something similar to that? Please help me with this! Thank you so much!

    1. I had actually posted something regarding the leather jacket in the section "Dress Like Elena", but I'm now gonna update it all!

      I'm finally back, after the stressing period that were my last months of school before vacations!
      Also, thank you so freaking much! That means a WHOLE LOT to me!
      xoxo Stay tuned for updates!

  12. Also, totally forgot to mention...something like the red top, I would love! Here's a picture


    (I know its huge, but if you could just copy/paste it;)


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