
Elena's Vervain Necklace [EXACT]

So, thanks to a girl who left a comment on the site, I found another necklace that looks exactly like Elena's original one.
You can come get it here!
 Keep posting suggestions also in the dedicated section :  Request/Donate ! Don't hesitate to ask anything (outfits,necklaces,accessories,etc...) you would want to know about!

Ciondolo di verbena di Elena [IDENTICO ]

Grazie ad una ragazza che ha postato un commento sul sito, ho trovato una ciondolo che è pressochè identico a quello indossato da Elena.
Potrete acquistarlo qui !
 Intanto, continuate a dare suggerimenti nella sezione dedicata Request/ Donate ! Non esitate inoltre a richiedere qualsiasi informazione ( su vestiti, ciondoli, accessori , ecc.. ) sui quali vorreste essere informati !


  1. Its not EXACT not even close... Pretty but not the same as the one in the show.. I wish someone would make an IDENTICAL one :-(

  2. http://www.tungstenlove.com/vampire-diaries-elena-vervain-necklace

  3. dude honestly, this is identical http://www.mustmerch.com/vampire-diaries/elenas-vervain-necklace


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